Neo Kyma joins Volt, the pan-European movement

On Thursday, November 4th 2021, Neo Kyma – The Other Cyprus and Volt Europa officially formalised their partnership, by co-signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The two organisations will collaborate closely and eventually merge. Effective immediately, the Cypriot team of Volt operates now in the country under the name «Neo Kyma || Volt Cyprus – The Other Cyprus». Volt Cyprus will become in due course a membership association of Volt Europa, such as Volt Germany and Volt Netherlands, that recently won three seats in the National Parliament.

Both organisations are convinced that a federal and democratic Europe is the best way forward, to counteract cross-border challenges like climate change and populism.

Neo Kyma and Volt share the same values and vision for the future and strongly believe that together, they can create a positive impact on society through politics, both in Cyprus and in Europe. 

Neo Kyma is working for a more modernised Cypriot society. The organisation is striving to build a diversified and innovative economy and a more transparent, fair, and impartial society, that empowers citizens. From now on, Volt and Neo Kyma will be working on these shared challenges together. This collaboration will offer Neo Kyma – The Other Cyprus || Volt Cyprus the opportunity to share best practices, learnings, and knowledge with the other national teams of Volt.

Cyprus and its challenges have often been undervalued in European policymaking. Both movements believe that all citizens of the European Union must be able to participate in democratic processes and they will work to empower Cypriots and to make Cypriot issues more visible in the European political sphere.

Neo Kyma and Volt are both proud to announce this next step and look forward to working together for an empowered and united Europe!

After the signing of the MoU between Neo Kyma – The Other Cyprus and Volt Europa, the General Coordinator of Neo Kyma – The Other Cyprus Constantinos Christofides stated:
“I would like to thank all the friends from Volt Europa and Neo Kyma who have worked on preparing this agreement.
By signing this important agreement with Volt Europa, we are becoming part of a greater, modern pan-European political movement – A movement that we hope will evolve into a sweeping wave, as denoted by our name.

We are signing this agreement because we share the same values:

  • For a federal Europe
  • A Europe with common borders, common foreign policy and common European Army
  • A Europe with a common market and economy for the prosperity of All European citizens
  • With respect for human rights, freedom, democracy and equality at the center of our ideals
  • The United States of Europe under a Federal Constitution is our common vision, as envisioned by Victor Hugo and many other European thinkers.

We Embark on this promising New Journey with Volt Europa with great excitement and anticipation!”.